My Services Incorporate:

Cyclical Nature of Life: I acknowledge the cyclical nature of life, suggesting that growth and transformation occur through ongoing cycles of experience and learning. This perspective allows for acceptance of life's unpredictability and the need to adapt to its ever-changing landscape.

Recognition of Disconnection and Disillusionment:

Since most struggles stem from feelings of disconnection and disillusionment that manifest in various forms of mental and physical distress, I address the root causes of suffering rather than merely alleviating symptoms.

Holistic Approach to Healing: You advocate for a holistic approach to healing that encompasses the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. This approach recognizes the interconnectedness of various aspects of human experience and seeks to address imbalances on multiple levels.

Integration of Psychology and Esoteric Teachings: Your work blends conventional psychological principles with esoteric teachings, incorporating elements of mysticism, symbolism, and self-reflection into the therapeutic process. This integration allows for a deeper exploration of the subconscious mind and spiritual dimensions of healing.

Emphasis on Creativity and Imagination: You highlight the importance of creativity and imagination as tools for health and healing. By engaging with these aspects of the psyche, individuals can access deeper layers of consciousness and tap into their innate capacity for self-transformation.

Overall, your approach to healing is both innovative and compassionate, offering clients a unique opportunity to explore their inner landscapes and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Your commitment to bridging conventional practices with alternative modalities speaks to the evolving nature of mental health care and the importance of honoring the diverse needs of individuals on their paths to healing.


  • Individual Psychotherapy

  • Ecotherapy Practices

  • Tarot Card Readings

  • Astrology Reading Integration

  • Personality Testing


  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Climate Distress

  • Grief

  • Divorce

  • Dating

  • Self-Discovery

  • Positive Aging

  • Non-Violent Communication

  • Relationship Health