Ten Paths to Self-Discovery

Ten Paths to Self-Discovery

  1. Pick five quotes that resonate with you, and express your perspective of the world. Quotes are like affirmations and reflect what you truly believe and feel. They inspire and help you to stay authentic to your deepest self. It is so easy to get off track in life, leaving you vulnerable to negative influences and irrational beliefs. Keep these quotes somewhere where you can see them daily.

  2. Do an activity you have been thinking about trying but haven't made the time. Taking action is the only way to break out of a rut or move through fear. You probably can come up with a million excuses for why you can't do something fun and creative, but you need to do it despite those reasons. You will feel rejuvenated and more connected to yourself after participating in something meaningful to you.

  3. Take yourself out on a date. Treating yourself how you want to be treated is the best way to connect with yourself and others. You don't have to wait for the right time, the right person, or a special occasion to treat yourself to a beautiful dinner or an exciting event.

  4. Visit a museum exhibit that interests you. Browsing through a museum or art gallery will allow you to connect with yourself through the art you are experiencing. You will have the opportunity to take it in, reflect on what it brings up for you, and let it resonate without outside influence.

  5. Spend a Sunday alone without any particular plans to entertain you. Being with yourself is an essential part of feeling connected to yourself. You may find that you often distract yourself with busy activities and errands to fill a void. Being alone is something to cherish and look forward to, not avoid. Build your capacity to be alone, and you will enjoy being with others even more.

  6. Take a road trip by yourself for the day somewhere special to you. Getting in the car and taking off for exploration or a day of relaxation invigorates and renews the soul. You will give yourself so much time for self-reflection, and it will remind you of how great it is to escape sometimes.

  7. Write a letter to yourself expressing how you experience yourself. You may not realize how much "self-talk" you do, which is probably often hostile. Take a few minutes to write a letter to yourself expressing who you feel you are. It can be complimentary or lovingly critical. Self-reflection will ground you in what you think of yourself, so you can work on what you want to improve or integrate more deeply.

  8. Browse the self-help section in a bookstore and buy one book that speaks to you. You might be someone who has a lot of "shoulds" in your life. These beliefs often direct you toward things you feel are "right" for you but not authentic. Sometimes, letting things come to you will show you what draws you instead of what other people tell you.

  9. Make yourself a music playlist of songs that have meaning or move you. Music is extremely impactful and has been shown to shift the brain's neurology. Making a music playlist that speaks to you and reflects your internal experience is not only fun but very healing. It will also build your repertoire of music, which in turn will build your self-esteem.

  10. Get yourself a stack of magazines and cut out everything that authentically represents you. You may not even know what you like, let alone who you are in the world. Creative endeavors are great for creating a visual representation of how you see yourself. You can also use Pinterest for a digital version.

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